
Gamers Guide To Making Money

Let's talk about ways to game and still bring in money.


July 2022

Is it all worth it?

Now what I’m saying is a bit broad but may be something to ponder upon. Most of us leave home daily to make money to bring back home to provide for our family, loved ones or whomever we deem need our provision. Looking at the price to maintain living its getting harder and harder to live a life we can call worthy. Working just to survive isnt worthy to most of us (it may just be my own outlook). Many say all I do is work eat shower sleep then repeat. I don’t know about yal but life can be much more than that. We just have to decide how to get more out of living on the daily basis. When is the last time you’ve literally just done nothing all day to rest and clear your mind. Its healthy to do so and no I’m not a doctor but I think we can all agree that a clear mind and rested body does wonders for longevity. Money makes the world go round and if you don’t have it your personal world starts to spiral into a vortex of nothingness. This is where having that burning desire to do more and be more kicks in for most of us. I’ve been a entrepreneur all my life I just never took the time to hone in on that part of myself because I wasn’t always around people who wanted to think outside the box. Therefore I’ve stuck to depending on jobs to get me through instead of betting on myself and educating myself along the way. Now yes I’ve tried a few things here and there but without the mentorship community and other essentials they never took off because I wasn’t moving correctly. That’s when I took the time to develop the skills I need within me. Its a never ending process and the more people we come in contact with the more experience we gather along the way. So let’s get back to the subject above. A job is worth it as long as we are making moves along the way. Jobs are using us just like we are using them. Make the most of it. Use those same resources your making at work to dive deeper into what you want out of life. Look for different jobs. Budget better. Start investing. Check to see how much you can put into your 401k and see how much the company matches. Slow n steady wins the race. Consistency determination and your why will keep you moving forward. If those don’t work don’t be afraid to ask for help from people who want you to do and be better. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

What is life?

This is a never ending question to most of us. The struggle to stay above water. Making life decisions over rather to fill up your gas tank or how the family will eat for the week. Am I enjoying life or just mucking through it? What’s worth living for and and what do we need to do to make living life noteworthy? Make those decisions with the people you love and or ones who have your best interest in heart. Have a great day moving forward with purpose and love!

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