
Gamers Guide To Making Money

Let's talk about ways to game and still bring in money.

Ahhhhh another journey.

Adding to the system. My patreon will mostly consist of reading books, gaming content, government acts that run our monetary systems etc. For those who are like me I didn’t like reading on any level but the older I get the more I realize that was a grave mistake. So what I would like for you all to do is direct me in the direction to better inform you in the medium of your choice. Mainly audio books and video creation. I’m going to place a video on YouTube and if you feel like its worth your time and resources decide to support by becoming a patron. Each one shall teach one and we have been mislead for longer than most can discover.

I appreciate you all more than you know.



nothing here is financial advice everything written is for educational and entertainment

Is It The Right Game?

Looking at the way the world works. A main question that I ask myself daily is have I been playing the right game. For some of you who don’t know I love video games mainly because of my interesting imagination and I like challenging myself against others ideas. By ideas I mean their finished products in the medium of a video game etc. God of war series. Then like most of us we revert back to what our parents or the people who were raising us told us. Got to school then college then don’t live above your means etc. Those were great for their times but like all humans we have to adapt to the current markets. Watching people spend upwards of 15 years at one company and then hearing about them getting fired with little to no experience elsewhere is heartbreaking. So if your like me I’m always curious about other means to providing for myself family and loved ones. Sometimes to my detriment because of my extremely high optimism. Now with the a little bit of experience of living on this beautiful marble I realized we have to pave our own lanes. It doesn’t mean that we have to completely reinvent the wheel. When you think about it most of the ways to make money are a remix of other things that have already been proven to work. The main problem is some of our inability to remain ourselves for financial gain. Stocks, real estate, streaming, reviews, blogs, websites, and affiliate marketing are just a few examples where being whoever you are authentically can payoff in the long run. Are you ready to press start and learn along the way? Or will the barriers of your mind, teachings, fear, and financial situation continue to stall you out.



None of this is financial advise and you may or may not be able to make any gains.

Stocks and Etf Assets.

Ahhhh the beauty of financial literacy. I’m still a noob in this category so this will be a very simple explanation. I get straight to the point in my content. Stocks are based on the individual company value your doing your research on. A etf is a group of stocks inside of an index so that if one stock goes down it doesn’t heavily effect your portfolio if one company takes a massive hit.

Be safe out here!


Procrastination is Harmful.

Some say that its the rush and pressure of waiting until the last minute. I think that its the ability to continue to make said thing or task less important than it is. Sadly it leads to more anxiety and clouded thoughts. Yes I do it sometimes depending on the severity of what it is that needs to be done. Even though procrastination is not the best way to knock out a to do list but in my mind it feels right. So take the necessary steps to get rid of this horrible habit. My first and most important step is to do whatever it is that needs to be done ASAP. Regardless of how we feel about it. The task doesn’t have to be perfect by any means. As long as it doesn’t look like a 2 year old put it together and its professional get it done! You’re going to make mistakes and that’s alright. Be comfortable being uncomfortable and watch the leaps and bounds you make over time. Always be learning but don’t get stuck into information overload. Learn then execute. Baby step life and you may be surprised in how fast you will go from scooting, crawling, stumbling, walking and to eventually running. We maybe uncoordinated for a while but eventually some form will kick in if you have a mentor around to coach us along the way.

Be safe out here.


The World Shows You Daily!

Now most of you are wondering what I’m talking about. Its plain and simple but the distractions are hwafty against us on the daily. The ability to remain focused is damn near impossible. To cut right to the point what I’m referring to is wealth. We see everyday that subscribers is what pays and the way to be wealthy. The main question in what value are you providing to maintain those said subscribers. You may want to take some time to ponder what you can provide the world and the world will be your provider. Now back to work I go because these trucks won’t drive themselves. Be safe out there good people.

A little adds up.

The older I get the more I learn about money. I was taught that you had to work hard to get it and that it doesn’t come easy. Most of that framework came from many sources in my community. The real game is how much time are you putting in to learn about it. Some of us weren’t taught the value of trades relationships trust and juys being a good human. We live in a world where its eat or be eaten theoretically speaking. Its me against the world. Its doesn’t have to be that way. I you’ll have noticed there are plenty of people making a great living doing what they love. What most don’t pay attention is the time it took them to develop what they needed to be successful. Anything worth having isn’t easy to obtain. Building a community of trust around many subjects is key. Find something you like or love and have experience in that could help someone else. We have to escape our comfort zones to be better and level up! Also come through and see how $20 can turn into a $1200 investment into your personal portfolio.

Can Men be Real with Women?

Welcome to the unpacking podcast that my brothers from other mothers started years ago. We talk about everything that’s going on in our culture from politics, church, relationships and everything else on this little blue planet in our milky way. So to the topic at hand. Can we really be honest with our women that were in a relationship with. Some say yes some say no and maybe a white lie needs to be told every now and then. Whether you agree or disagree come through and share with us a few moments of your time. Much obliged and have a great day!

Is it all worth it?

Now what I’m saying is a bit broad but may be something to ponder upon. Most of us leave home daily to make money to bring back home to provide for our family, loved ones or whomever we deem need our provision. Looking at the price to maintain living its getting harder and harder to live a life we can call worthy. Working just to survive isnt worthy to most of us (it may just be my own outlook). Many say all I do is work eat shower sleep then repeat. I don’t know about yal but life can be much more than that. We just have to decide how to get more out of living on the daily basis. When is the last time you’ve literally just done nothing all day to rest and clear your mind. Its healthy to do so and no I’m not a doctor but I think we can all agree that a clear mind and rested body does wonders for longevity. Money makes the world go round and if you don’t have it your personal world starts to spiral into a vortex of nothingness. This is where having that burning desire to do more and be more kicks in for most of us. I’ve been a entrepreneur all my life I just never took the time to hone in on that part of myself because I wasn’t always around people who wanted to think outside the box. Therefore I’ve stuck to depending on jobs to get me through instead of betting on myself and educating myself along the way. Now yes I’ve tried a few things here and there but without the mentorship community and other essentials they never took off because I wasn’t moving correctly. That’s when I took the time to develop the skills I need within me. Its a never ending process and the more people we come in contact with the more experience we gather along the way. So let’s get back to the subject above. A job is worth it as long as we are making moves along the way. Jobs are using us just like we are using them. Make the most of it. Use those same resources your making at work to dive deeper into what you want out of life. Look for different jobs. Budget better. Start investing. Check to see how much you can put into your 401k and see how much the company matches. Slow n steady wins the race. Consistency determination and your why will keep you moving forward. If those don’t work don’t be afraid to ask for help from people who want you to do and be better. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

What is life?

This is a never ending question to most of us. The struggle to stay above water. Making life decisions over rather to fill up your gas tank or how the family will eat for the week. Am I enjoying life or just mucking through it? What’s worth living for and and what do we need to do to make living life noteworthy? Make those decisions with the people you love and or ones who have your best interest in heart. Have a great day moving forward with purpose and love!

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